Thursday, May 19, 2011

Grammar Question

Edit: disregard this post; my question has been answered. It is B.

Today at school a peer of mine and I spent our time in class editing an essay that another student wrote. Everything was going fine until we reached a sentence that we disagreed on how the edit should be done. After much discussion, we were unable to reach a compromise. He thinks that the sentence should be written one way and I, the other. Now I can't remember the actual sentence that was used in the essay but I will try to provide you with an example to help you get the general idea of it.

Suppose there is a convenience store that sells food, lets call it Bombay Bazaar. Now typically, the main purpose of food is to be fed to people, to keep them well nourished and prevent them from dying.Yes, I am aware that there exists "junk food" that is not healthy for you at all but for the sake of this blog post let us assume that all foods are meant to be healthy; that is, except for food sold at Bombay Bazaar. The food at Bombay Bazaar actually does the opposite of what food is intended to do; instead of providing nutrients to people to keep them alive and well, it actually kills them.

Now my question to you is which of the following sentences would be grammatically correct in describing this situation?

A. Food from Bombay Bazaar does the opposite of what food is supposed to do: feed you instead of kill you.

B. Food from Bombay Bazaar does the opposite of what food is supposed to do: kill you instead of feed you.

A or B? Choose a letter and write it as a response to this post. Having an explanation justifying your choice would be nice.


Vincent said... [Reply]

I personally think it is B though I have asked a few people and have received some mixed opinions. Hopefully someone can clarify this for me.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

yahoo answers this

Jeffrey-sama said... [Reply]

The line was very similar to the following: "Once again, science has failed because, in this case, it did the exact opposite of what it was intended to do: save lives instead of taking them."

Vincent said... [Reply]

@Jeffrey I believe that the line in question should be read "Once again, science has failed because, in this case, it did the exact opposite of what it was intended to do: take lives instead of saving them."

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