I made this FAQ page to help you, the reader, get a sense of what exactly this blog is about. Also I wanted a cool navigation menu at the top of my website and needed another page to fill in the void. So yeah ....

Who are you?
My giant "Profile" panel is located right there ---->
Read that to gain a little more insight into my life.

What is the purpose of this blog?
This is just a place where I can write about different things that interest me.

What do you write about?
Whatever I want. There is no specific focus with regards to what I write about.

Why are you writing about stupid things that no one cares about?
Because I can.

Why is this called "Vincent's Awesome Blog?" It doesn't seem very awesome to me. 
Yes, my blog is pretty shitty admittedly; although this is just the beginning. I am going to turn this small ant hill into a mountain.

What is up with your poor site design/poor grammar/poor word choice?
My apologies if you find something about this website's design visually unappealing or if you find my writing style to be inadequate. I am an amateur blogger who is still trying to learn the ropes here. These things take time to master.

Why does your banner suck?
I made it in 1 minute using Microsoft Paint.

You haven't posted anything in a while. Is your blog dead?
Sometimes it may take a while for me to post a new blog entry. This does not mean that my blog is dead however. I do not plan on discontinuing my blog any time soon.

I have more questions for you that have not been answered in this FAQ. 
Feel free to leave any additional questions in the guestbook section of the website. I will try to answer them ASAP, provided that they are not stupid questions.